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2024: A gift, an intention, a clarification

Thanks again for joining me on this journey

What are you excited about in 2024?

Want to do my year-end workshop on your own time?

You can find everything you need here. Have fun!

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Hello and happy 2024 to everybody here at the Leading By Example Museletter.

Yeah, you know, I really love this end of year, new year time.

And so I've spent a lot of time and energy using this time of the year to review past years and

think about, you know, set intentions and goals for the coming year.

I've always used this time that way and I really like it.

And so last year I offered a workshop to some friends and family and colleagues and clients.

Kind of the best of what I've been doing for over a decade.

And I did it again this year.

There were some requests to do it again.

And so, because I have this newsletter community, I wanted to share my own, yeah, just a little bit of my own reflection from the last year and my intention for the next year just to, you know, put it out there.

But before I do that, I also wanted to make it clear to all of you here who are hopefully listening or reading or however you're coming in.

I'm not sure that I've made this super clear.

It's actually something I've kind of realized myself since starting the newsletter.

And I've learned about it myself, but is that this is not a big list.

This is not something that I, you know, have out there in the world in a mass way.

I really think of this list as, yeah, people that I want to be in more touch with.

And maybe beyond what I can do in a one-on-one way.

Obviously, I would love to have just, you know, calls with all of you on a monthly basis, but that's just not realistic for most of us these days.

And I really, especially this year, have firmly decided that social media is just not in my best interest or for my highest good.

And so I'm there very occasionally, but I wanted something that was kind of in between where I felt like I could

Let people know what was going on and start a conversation, but not have it be nearly that big or that public.

And so I just want you to know if you're here, this is a small community that I want to hear from you and I'm hoping to find ways where maybe you can hear from each other more this year.

And so if you'd like that or you're interested, like, please let me know.

And if you're new here because you found me somehow or, you know, we just started talking like this is also, I hope, a wonderful way for you to get to know me better and sort of learn who I am and what I'm about.

But, you know, my intention is to kind of just show up and be the way I would be on like a call with most of the people on this list.

Yeah, and just kind of check in and see what's going on.

So anyway, because I also think that sharing, you know, sharing what we've learned and sharing our intentions with our, you know, close acquaintances is important and holds us accountable and helps us help each other and support each other.

I also just wanted to do that.

And so I'm just going to take a very little bit from, you know, the many practices that I do.

But one of the things that I like is this idea of just what are you proud of from the year?

And so, I was going to say, I think, you know, a couple of things that I'm just really proud of this year is that this was really the first year that I was running Leading By Example and my coaching business full time on my own as my main source of work and income.

And, you know, I'm really proud that not only did it make enough money to cover our family expenses for the year, but, you know, more importantly, like I just got to work with some incredible people and I feel like

You know, the work was really in service and it was fun and enjoyable.

And it seems like they all, you know, received a lot.

And some of you are here.

And so, like, thank you for trusting me.

And that just been getting to be in service that way on a regular basis is just like an absolute dream come true.

I really honestly wake up most days and can't believe that I get to do this.

I'm really grateful for that.

And also I got to do my first two 7Directions dance ceremonies in Athens in person where I live now this year.

And I've been looking for a space for years since I moved here in 2020.

So that was a real treat.

And I'm looking forward to more in the new year and maybe a bigger space.

And also I was thinking, you know, this is really the year where I finally got to travel again.

I was very pregnant the year before and then I had an infant.

And there was just a lot going on.

It was the pandemic before that.

And so, yeah, I really got, you know, I got to go to California several times and see all of my friends there.

I got to go to this college reunion that I do every year with my very close friends that I had missed for two years.

I got to go on some family vacations and trips and see my family in Maine and other places.

So that really filled me up and felt really good and special this year.

So, yeah.

And then the other thing that I want to share is that my intention for this year, which I'm already a little nervous about, I think it's going to be a good one, but I think it might be, you know, it might teach me a lot, is grateful acceptance.

I was working a lot of resistance last year and frustration and wanting things to be different and I think acceptance is hopefully going to teach me about how to

Meet that with a little more grace.

And I think the grateful piece for me anyway, I know this will change as I get to know it better, but right now is about just reminding myself that I think that's what helps me accept things, right?

Is that I have to be like, you don't get to choose, right?

Like you're getting what you're getting.

And there's most of what I'm getting, I'm actually really grateful for.

And then sometimes there's some hard stuff that I wish was different, but you don't kind of get to pick and choose, right?

And so, if I remember to be grateful for the stuff I really do appreciate, then I feel like it might help me accept the few little things that are not the way I want.

So fingers crossed.

And yeah, finally, I'm going to link it down below, but I made a recording of the workshop that I did this year and I'm offering it to all of you and anyone else you want to share it with for free.

And so I have a little blog post where it's there and the worksheet that we did.

And so you can listen to the recording and do all of the practices.

It takes about an hour.

And yeah, if anybody wants to reach out and talk more about your intentions or your goals, if you do it, I would love to do that and hear more.

So take care.

And yeah, just excited for this year and all of us being here together.

Thanks again.

Leading By Example Museletter
Leading By Example Museletter