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Your Thoughts on Curiosity

I'd love to get your perspective...yes, you!

Count me curious to hear your thoughts

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0:00 Hi everyone. I'm not sure what possessed me to try and send a video to you on the first day of Mercury Retrograde, which also happens to be April Fool's Day, but here I am, a couple of tries in.

0:13 Um, it's been a minute since I've been here. I hope you all have had a good spring. It's been busy.

0:19 My March was super busy, and one of the things I've been busy with is that I'm building a new program all about curiosity.

0:28 And, uh, I'm kind of interested in just tapping some of the collective wisdom here in this group, in this list.

0:36 And I'm genuinely just curious what you all think about curiosity. You know, curiosity I think is so foundational to who I am and the people I serve.

0:48 I think it's something that I, I mean, look, I was trained as a journalist, I'm a coach. All I do is ask questions and wonder why.

0:59 And it was something we really selected for, you know, at Job Portraits. We always looked for people that were curious, and I look for friends that are curious, and it's just like important to me. But I realized, I often, I think like a lot of us, had sort of thought of it as a thing that you either are or you aren't.

1:16 And I became interested in seeing if it could really be, from a growth mindset standpoint, a capacity that we can grow. And of course it is, because anything can be, but I've been, you know, sort of like going to different sources and thinking about my own curiosity.

1:37 And I have a couple of hypotheses that I thought I would like to share, and then I would genuinely love to hear from anyone out there who has thoughts or reflections on any of this.

1:49 One of the things that I've thought a lot about is that I actually think that curiosity is something we already have a lot of, especially as kids.

1:58 This might be because I have two young children, and they are infinitely curious. But I think to a certain degree it's less about like growing curiosity, and more about like getting back in touch with maybe things that we've always been curious about, or we were curious about a long time ago, and then we stopped for some reason.

2:16 Or understanding what gets in the way of our curiosity. One of my hypothesis is these is that,

2:25 I think wanting to know or wanting to look like we know or wanting to look like we have the answers, being afraid to not know or admit we don't know is probably a big blocker for a lot of us, because you have to not know to be able to be curious about learning something new.

2:41 I'm also thinking about curiosity just outside of sort of the tactics of it which, of course, are important. And I'll talk about how to ask good open-ended questions and things like that. But also like what is it, what is the experience of being curious and how does that actually feel in your body

3:06 and your brain? Because we know that our brain rewards us when we learn something new that we didn't know before. And can we use that as kind of a flywheel to help us get more curious about things. I've also been thinking about sort of um where your curiosity tends to live. Like this is just a loose framework

3:26 I'm working with but I think about my curiosity at sort of three levels. They're sort of like, I'm curious about the world around me and how it works, I'm curious about other people and interpersonal dynamics and like why things are happening between people and how they're motivated,

3:40 and then I'm curious about inside of myself like why do I respond to things in certain ways? Or like why do I have certain stories or you know reflexes or things inside of me? And I'm also thinking about, maybe there's a way to sort of see if there's one of those levels that you tend towards

3:59 or you can find some curiosity in and then maybe expand into the other levels from there using that as a starting point.

4:07 Anyway, those are some of the things I'm thinking about, and some of you I have already talked to about this, I know, and have already sent me great resources and stuff. But yeah just kind of a like hello and if this is interesting to you and you want to talk more I'd love to hear about it.

4:22 If you have books or resources or frameworks or just thoughts about how you've taught or thought about curiosity, I would love all of that too.

4:32 Uh yeah. And I hope you're all doing well and thanks in advance. Take care.

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Leading By Example Museletter